Monday, August 19, 2013


I really do not care for drama. I cannot stand when people lie; to me or other people... There is no reason to lie, EVER.

I just want a peaceful life, with or without him.. I will learn to cope... It hasn't gotten easier yet but everyone says it will so I am waiting patiently.

I love you Hailey Sumpter. Always.

Saturday, August 17, 2013


Life is so different now... Hailey and I do not live with her daddy anymore and we haven't since October 2011...

Randy and I have not been together since May 2012, well we haven't been in a relationship.

I miss Randy, I miss everything about living with him and if I could turn back time I would absolutely go back... I would give anything to have 'us' again.

Hailey is doing really well, she is incredibly smart, spunky, adorable, generous, sweet, hyper, beautiful, silly, energetic, healthy, happy, amazing and sooo much more.

She does however still miss living at her daddy's apartment, she tells me almost daily that she wants me and her to go home to daddy's and make his girlfriend "Jessica" and her daughter go to "Alana's house"; Alana is "Jessica's" daughter and "Alana's house" is "Jessica's" mom's house...

I put quotation marks at Jessica's name because her name is really Anna, people just call her Jessica and quotations around Alana's house because that is what Hailey says...

Hailey tells her daddy almost every time that she talks to him that she hates Jessica, and she asks him when Jessica and Alana are leaving... It is so pitiful and Randy says it hurts her feelings but I refuse to force my child to love people who are mean to her...

Hailey says that Jessica screams all the time and says bad words to her and makes her daddy spank her... She says Alana hits her and I personally watched Alana hit her one day while I was there and Hailey tells me the truth so I have no reason not to believe her...

On August 2nd or 3rd, Hailey was staying with her dad and I had gone to where he lives and they had taken Hailey and Daniel fishing so we stopped where they were fishing to check on her and I knew she would want to come home too due to her hatrid toward Jessica...

Well we got there and Hailey bursted into tears and she could barely talk or think correctly... She was so relieved to see me and wanted to come home so badly that I had to bring her home..

Well right when we were leaving Hailey said "jessica said you!" And I asked what did Jessica say and Hailey said "jessica said mommy bad word, shhhh its a secret" and still hasnt told me what she said... Well after that Hailey told me how Jessica spanked her butt "on the bridge at the water" which was the dock...

I was furious, I called her dad and told him I was pressing charges and getting a restraining order against her... He begged me not to and because of my love for him I agreed...

Well I went back to the river where they were to talk to her about it and let her know how disrespectful it was and she better never touch my child again and if she cannot even speak to me or make eye contact with me ever she damn sure has NO right to touch my child or discipline her in any way, shape or form... But the bitch had such and attitude that all I said was let her dad discipline her.

There were children present so I didn't want to make a big scene but I wish I could have said so much more.. I still want to press charges on her so badly... This woman is mean to my child and now she hit her?! Hailey barelt knows her, she knows the women at walmart better than she knows that bitch.

I am determined, I will press charges on her if she touches my child in any way or if she bathes her. She has been told not to and Randy has been told not to even leave Hailey alone with her...

This came about because I have heard on numerous occasion how she yells, screams and literally cusses her daughter Alana and I refuse to have my child raised that way.

Anyway, thanks for reading... This is just aggravating me now.

Here is our beautiful Miss Hailey now... She is 3, will be 4 in November.

Ohh and the picture of Hailey where she has a blank look and just looks miserable, she was having to take a picture with the evil Jessica...

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Hailey is growing so fast... It seems like just a week or two ago I was having her... It's amazing to see all the changes she is going through...

Our Baby Girl Is Getting So Big

This was one of the first things I made with Photoshop... Although it was just a template.

This was the first thing I actually Kreated. It is Hailey & her daddy... I love it.
Figuring out how to make new things is awesome. Her name with her pictures in it was fun to make.
This is Hailey sitting on an ice cream sundae. I made this also using a kit from one of the sites I posted. So cute.
This was a template but too cute... Had to post it.

This is my daughter Hailey and I... Isn't she adorable?!?! lol. I am just learning how to make things with Photoshop CS3 Extended... So if you don't like things I post you should just go to someone elses blog...